Martial Arts History of Master Daniel P. Camarco

I began my martial arts training at age 11 on June 3rd, 1996 with Master Eric Fawcett at Fawcett Karate in the martial art of Tang Soo Do. At age 15, on October 2nd, 1999, I was awarded my first degree black belt. It was around that time that I started to assist in the teaching of the children's classes at Fawcett Karate. I continued to do this until age 18, when I was old enough to be considered an assistant instructor at the school. Over time I began to take on an increasingly large teaching role at the school and began teaching both the children and adult classes and even the kickboxing-exercise classes on a regular basis. During these years I was also able to achieve my second (9-29-01) and third (5-8-04) degree black belt ranks over the course of five years and become a full-fledged instructor, dropping the assistant part of the title. After several more years of training and teaching with Master Fawcett and the students there, I was awarded my fourth degree master's belt (4-26-08). I continued in the same role at Fawcett Karate, now as a master instructor. Over time Master Fawcett wasn't able to devote as much time to the school as in the past and the day to day operations of the school began to rely more heavily on me, until ultimately in February of 2012, Master Fawcett offered to sell the school to me. The name of the school had to be changed as it didn't make sense for the school to be continued to be called Fawcett Karate without Master Fawcett at the helm and after much thought I decided upon Three Rivers Martial Arts as a way to recognize the fact that the school is in Pittsburgh into its name. It was on May 1st, 2012 when the relocating of the school from Banksville Road to its current location at 968 Brookline Blvd., behind the cannon monument, was completed and we have been operating out of this location ever since then. I have trained and taught with many talented, amazing, and diverse people in my time as a martial artist and hope to continue to do so into the future.
Non-Martial Arts Information about Master C.
Sometimes people ask me why the karate school isn't open during the day at all. I work a full-time job with daytime hours Monday through Friday. Currently, that job is as a Senior Research Laboratory Specialist at the University of Pittsburgh Aging Institute, which is where I am from about 7-3 every day. I am a scientist that does aging research there.
Sometimes people ask me why the karate school isn't open during the day at all. I work a full-time job with daytime hours Monday through Friday. Currently, that job is as a Senior Research Laboratory Specialist at the University of Pittsburgh Aging Institute, which is where I am from about 7-3 every day. I am a scientist that does aging research there.